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Olori Uwem

Mar 18, 2024

1. Target Audience:
- Pension Funds and Banks: The Federal Government is specifically targeting pension funds, which are worth over N20 trillion, and banks as key participants in this maiden bond offering.
- Nigerians and Foreigners: The bond is targeted at Nigerians living in the country, foreigners living in the country, and Nigerians in the diaspora.

2. Government's Objective:
- Mobilizing Domestic Resources: The government aims to harness the savings of Nigerians, particularly those in the diaspora, to support Nigeria's macroeconomic reforms. These funds are expected to boost job creation and enhance the economy's productivity.
- Reducing Dependency on Multilateral Flows: With concessional flows from multilateral organizations being negative, the government is focused on building domestic financial markets and relying on local savings.

3. Strategic Importance:
- National and Regional Significance: This bond issuance is not only important for Nigeria but also has regional implications, as other African nations often follow Nigeria's lead in financial innovation.
- Impact on Capital Market: The bond is expected to boost the Nigerian capital market, setting an example for other countries in West Africa and the wider African continent.

4. Participation and Incentives:
- Central Bank Approval: The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has approved banks to participate in this offering.
- Pension Fund Investments: The bond qualifies as an instrument that pension funds can invest in, similar to other Federal Government securities. It also comes with tax exemptions.
- Innovation in Market Instruments: The bond issuance is seen as a step towards enhancing the local capital market and supporting critical sectors that impact the general population.

5. Challenges:
- Disruption During Virtual Roadshow: The online segment of the hybrid roadshow was briefly interrupted by inappropriate content, but the session was later restored.

Government's Vision and Future Plans

- Financial Market Development: The Federal Government is focused on strengthening Nigeria's financial markets through innovative instruments like this bond, which is intended to boost domestic resource mobilization.
- International Leadership: Nigeria is positioning itself as a leader in the African financial landscape, with this bond serving as a model for other sovereigns in the region.