Abu Abel gifts Kesari N1 million to celebrate Salah

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Hamot Yusuf

Active Member
Jun 1, 2023
Lagos, Nigeria

Abu Abel gifts Kesari N1 million to celebrate Salah​


Nigerian socialite and real estate mogul, Abu Abel gifts Kesari N1 million j to celebrate the Eid-l-Kabir holiday, otherwise known as Salah. Kesari had cried out to his fans about how he couldn't afford to celebrate yesterday's Salah festivities because he had no money. He cried so hard on camera until word evaded him and this moved people into helping him.

The first person to sympathize with him was Abu Abel. He reached out to Tunde Ednut to help him get Kesari's number. From there, he had a conversation with Kesari and sent him N1 million. Indeed, the power of social media is immense. One minute, you are crying for help, the next minute, you are rejoicing after getting help from a stranger.

Tunde Ednut who was the one who posted Kesari's video, appreciated Abu Abel for helping him and urged others who could support him to do so in their own way.