Shiba Inu
As of today, Shiba’s valuation is $10,401,209,923 and that means with 395 billion coins in circulation.
For Shiba coin to reach 1 cent per coin, it means it must reach 395,000,000,000 in valuation. To get to 5 Cent that means we need 395 billion * 5. So if you are planning to buy now, please consider the possibility of this happening. Bitcoin market cap right now is 1 trillion.
We need to hope and pray and hope again for the Shiba to hit 1 cent.
As of today, Shiba’s valuation is $10,401,209,923 and that means with 395 billion coins in circulation.
For Shiba coin to reach 1 cent per coin, it means it must reach 395,000,000,000 in valuation. To get to 5 Cent that means we need 395 billion * 5. So if you are planning to buy now, please consider the possibility of this happening. Bitcoin market cap right now is 1 trillion.
We need to hope and pray and hope again for the Shiba to hit 1 cent.