Africa Prudential
Income Statement:
Revenue from contracts with customers: N0.13 Billion, compared to N0.27Billion in Q1 2019 (52% YoY Decline);
- Interest Income: N0.61 Billion, compared to N0.60 Billion in Q1 2019 (3% YoY Increase);
- Gross Earnings: N0.74 Billion, compared to N0.87 Billion in Q1 2019 (14% YoY Decline);
- Profit Before Tax: N0.41 Billion, compared to N0.45 Billion in Q1 2019 (9% YoY Decline);
- Profit After Tax: N0.34 Billion, compared to N0.38 Billion in Q1 2019 (10% YoY Decline);
- Earnings Per Share: 17 Kobo.