Of Telecom Infrastructure and Heroes of Digital Economy
editorApril 26, 2020 5:00 Am
The ongoing lockdown imposed by the Federal Government to halt the spread of the virulent virus, Covid-19 has presented an uncommon opportunity to reflect over the invaluable role of telecommunications in upholding the Nigerian economy.
Now that nearly every sector of the economy has been forced to a halt, Nigeria is able to see the value of the enormous investment that the private sector has put in the sector over the years, especially in the last decade and a half.
Without a warning, the industry has in the last few weeks become the Greek mythical Atlas efficiently bearing on its shoulders the burden of an economy robbed of its nimble limbs by a stubborn and rapacious contagion. To its credit, the industry has risen to the occasion and discharged itself creditably, thanks to the visionaries and heroes who saw tomorrow and had painstakingly put in the necessary investment to build a solid infrastructure Nigeria can be proud of.