Stay in your lane, VeryDarkMan throw jabs at Obi Cubana for supporting Paulo

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Hamot Yusuf

Active Member
Jun 1, 2023
Lagos, Nigeria

Stay in your lane, VeryDarkMan throw jabs at Obi Cubana for supporting Paulo​


VeryDarkMan has taken to the media to throw shade at Obi Cubana for supporting Paulo over the ongoing issue. He told Obi Cubana to stay put and not meddle in his affairs because there are more pressing issues the billionaire should be looking into. He was pissed at how Obi Cubana instructed the blogs against posting his videos online and for calling him a disrespectful young man.

VeryDarkMan said that Obi Cubana had no right to say such because he doesn't feed from his social media posts. He boasts about being able to handle his bills without receiving a cent from social media, despite all he does with his platform. He also said that Obi Cubana had a misplaced priority by calling him out instead of helping Nigerians with the billions he has acquired.

The Human Rights Activist said that he isn't scared of billionaires and would speak his mind regardless of how people choose to silence him. Therefore, he isn't fazed by all that Obi Cubana sad because he doesn't feed him and he will always speak his truth.

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