Woman attacks suspected pedophile for luring young girls with N500

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Hamot Yusuf

Active Member
Jun 1, 2023
Lagos, Nigeria

Woman attacks suspected pedophile for luring young girls with N500​

A Nigerian elderly woman attacks a disabled man for luring and molesting young girls with N500. From what she said, this man is an alleged pedophile who gives young girls money in exchange for touching their boobs. According to her, a group of young girls reported the disabled man to her and revealed the offer he made to them at night.

Angrily, she went in search of him the next day to confront and embarrass him. As expected, he denied ever making such a request and said the woman was lying to him. However, she stood her ground and continued to record him so people would know the stuff he was made of. Luring young naive girls is an evil act and is considered child abuse. Parents are advised to always monitor their children, especially the female child, and protect them from predators.

This will help to protect the young girls and save them from being taken advantage of or traumatized.