I like wicked women, Joeboy reveals

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Jun 1, 2023
Nigerian singer Joeboy disclosed in a recent interview that he prefers wicked women in a relationship.

While talking to Standout TV about relationships yesterday, he revealed this when he was asked what he wants in a woman.


He answered and said, "I like wicked women. When I say wicked, I don't mean personality. There's a certain way I don't know how to describe it. Me saying wicked women means I just like feisty women. Those that have this hot energy around them.

The interviewer went on to ask him if he has ever dated women that find it difficult with him having fans or random women who throw themselves at them.

Here's what he said, "it's natural when you're really into someone and there's this discomfort that comes with knowing that everybody or almost everybody wants to be with that person. But when you're always assuring. I feel like relationships takes consistency. I feel like sometimes people get into relationships and relax and be like, she's my girl now. I don't need to do too much. But I believe in showing up everyday and proving to the person you're in a relationship with or the person you love that oh you're really important to me. Like words of affirmation. That fixes the problem."

See video here:

Video credit: Twitter @onejoblessboy