Market Review and Round-Up of Corporate News Announced During The Week Ending 240420
Key Highlights
- The equities market recorded mixed performance - the listed equities market recorded -1.41% loss WoW while the NASD OTC moved up by+0.36%
- The BDC Rate and the NAFEX Rate depreciated, CBN Rate closed flat while the IEFX Rates appreciated.
- The Brent Crude Oil price moved down at the end of the week while the WTI also declined.
1. Equity
- The NSEASI went down by -1.41%WoW.
- On top gainer and loser sector indices, NSE ASeM recorded +3.55%gain while NSE AFRBVI Index recorded -5.27% loss.
- During the week, the Gote Index declined by -4.20% while the Toni Index also declined by -0.57% WoW

Source: NSE, Proshare Research
For more updates on market index performance visit here
The NASD USI moved up by +0.36% WoW
Market CAP also moved up by +0.36%WoW

Source: NASD Plc