What you should do to ladies forming hard-to-get, lady advice men

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Hamot Yusuf

Active Member
Jun 1, 2023
Lagos, Nigeria

What you should do to ladies forming hard-to-get, lady advice men​

Nigerian lady advises men on how they should treat any lady forming hard-to-get. She painted a scenario of a man who constantly got rejected by a lady he had been asking out for months. She revealed that ladies do not outrightly reject men without a reason. Such a lady probably has a man she is either dating or seeking his attention. So, she would deliberately keep the other men as a plan B when her current relationship doesn't work out or when she gets rejected by her crush.

So, any man who has been asking a lady out for too long shouldn't welcome her with open hands when she decides to become available. Instead, men should just hit and pass on those ladies or use them to pass the time until they find another lady worthy of their love. That's because a woman who finds a man attractive wouldn't keep him waiting for long before consenting to start a relationship.

Sense or nonsense?